'Emergence' Sculpture at Beaulieu, in the heart of the New Forest National Park — Jill Berelowitz

Jill Berelowitz


'Emergence' Sculpture at Beaulieu, in the heart of the New Forest National Park

ExhibitionCristina Schek

Truly excited to be bringing my sculpture 'Emergence' to beautiful Beaulieu, in the heart of the New Forest National Park. If you’re holidaying in that neck of the woods, mark your calendars from June 17th to September 24th (PV), and come enjoy the world of captivating art at Beaulieu. The gardens of Palace House make for the the most amazing backdrop for sculpture and there will be over 300 artworks from over 65 sculptors and artists from Europe and the UK for you to see around the grounds. 

’Emergence’ shares the common theme of being inspired by nature and humanity.  Using the weight and gravitas of bronze to create the figures, the texture reflects the shapes of weathered rock seen in South Africa, where I was born. By patinating the surface with contrasting areas of high polish to create a multifaceted effect, this piece serves as a reminder of our elemental connection as humans to the earth. Cast at Morris Singer Foundry.

For more details about the exhibition and to explore visit https://www.beaulieu.co.uk/events/sculpture-at-beaulieu/ 

Press: https://www.advertiserandtimes.co.uk/lifestyle/sculpture-at-beaulieu